Friday, September 25, 2020

Grade 3: Week of September 21

 Hello! Here are some pictures from this past week:

Planning for our big "Show and Tell" (Zeigen und Erzaelen) event!

We finished 101 Dalmations this week!

Book bonus points! How many pages can we read/write each week? 
A new challenge we'll be starting next week

German Bonus Points
Monday: 2 points
Tuesday: 2 points
Wednesday: 3 points !
Thursday: 1 points
last week 48 + this week 14 = 56 points

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Grade 3: Week of Sep. 14th

Playing a board game...on the white board

A monster drawn by one of the 3rd graders

Obstacle course on the turf

German Bonus Points
Tuesday: 4 points
Wednesday: 7 points !
Thursday: 3 points
34 + 14 = 48 points

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Grade 3: Week of Sep. 7th

It was a short week, but still full of fun and surprises in the GISB ASP.

Race track with loops for marbles/toy cars. Every Wednesday!

It doesn't look as epic in the picture, but this obstacle course was great! Students had lots of great ideas for making a challenging course and we will definitely be doing this one again. 

Next week we will be making our own board games and playing "find the treasure" outside. 

Our German bonus scores this week were 2, 4 and 10, which brings us up to 34 total points. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Grade 3: Helicopters & Level Adventure

Wir haben kleine Hubschrauber aus Papier gebastelt. Der Hubschrauber oben hat den Preis für den langsamsten Flug gewonnen, der untere hat den Schönheitswettbewerb gewonnen!
We made little helicopters out of paper. The helicopter on top won the prize for the slowest flight, the one underneath won the beauty prize!

Keine Spielkonsole? Kein Problem! Wir lassen unserer Fantasie freien Lauf und malen unsere eigene Abenteuerlevel an die Tafel. 
No game console? No problem! We let our creativity run free and draw our own adventure levels on the board


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Grade 3: Latest Legos / Whiteboard-Games

Einer unserer ASP-Schüler hat letzte Woche dieses super Schiff aus Legosteinen gebaut. Es sieht schnell aus! Spielst du auch gern mit Legos? Was möchtest du bauen?

Last week one of our ASP students built this awesome ship out of legos. It looks fast! Do you like playing with Legos too? What do you want to build?

Wir haben gestern "Leiterspiel" gespielt, aber nicht auf einem Tisch oder auf dem Boden...sondern an der Tafel! Es sieht zwar ein bisschen chaotisch aus, hat dennoch viel Spaß gemacht. Rosa hat gewonnen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Rosa!
We played "Chutes and Ladders" yesterday, but not on a table or the floor, but on the board! It looks a little chaotic, but it was still fun. Pink won! Congratulations, Pink!