Hallo Upper Campus! Bald haben wir die erste Woche dieser neuen Situation hinter uns. Wir hoffen, unsere ASP-Blog-Websites haben euch gefallen. An alle: wenn dir ein Video besonders gut gefallen hat oder du was völlig anders sehen möchtest, schreib uns einfach ein Kommentar oder schick eine Mail an Charlotte. Wir haben mindestens noch ein paar Wochen auf diesem Plattform - reichlich Zeit für jede Menge neue Projekte, Storys und Abenteuer. Schönes Wochenende! Hello Upper Campus! Soon we'll be done with the first week of this new situation. We hope you've enjoyed our ASP-Blog-Websites. To all: if you enjoyed a video particularly well or you want to see something else totally, write a comment or send Charlotte an email. We have at least a few more weeks on this Platform - plenty of time for more projects, stories and adventures. Have a nice weekend!
Project: Big Surprise!
Wir haben Charlotte immer gewarnt, das "nicht zuhause auszuprobieren" aber in diesen neuen Zeiten, hat sie offensichtlich keine andere Wahl.
We always warned Charlotte not to "try this at home" but it these new times, she really doesn't have a choice!
Video in German
Story: Farthest Away Mountain (Chapters 1 + 2)
Wie kommt man wieder zur Ruhe nach dem Ausbruch eines Vulkans? Durch den Sprung in einen Kinderroman, Kapiteln 1 + 2 vorgelesen nur für euch. Fortsetzung folgt! (Geschichte in Englisch)
How do you calm down after the eruption of a volcano? By jumping into a young adult fiction book, chapters 1+2 read aloud just for you all! To be continued! (Story in English)
Ever since she was ten years old, Dakin has dreamed of reaching the beautiful farthest-away mountain and discovering its secrets. Then one day, when she is almost fifteen, the mountain calls to her, and Dakin sets out on a terrifying journey through the wicked wood and treacherous mountain paths. Along the way she must escape from the clutches of a great black flying monster, outwit the giant ogre, and confront the evil Colored Snow Witch who gnashes her teeth and howls with fury. With help from some enchanted friends - Old Croak the frog, a little troll, and Og, Vog and Zog - Dakin bravely continues her journey to discover the terrible secret that has controlled the mountain for 200 years and now threatens to destroy the world.
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